
How to use Media Entity asset as a background image

Submitted by drupalviking on Wed, 09/13/2017 - 14:33

So, I have been using the new Media Entity module, along with some of the other media modules on some websites, and generally I like it. I find it awesome to be able to create different Entity Browsers, based on tagging, so if I'm adding hero images to my Hero Image block, my entity browser can have a special view.

In order to use the Hero image from my block as a background image, I had to Google a little. Hence my post, I wanted to document what I did, if for nothing else, my own reference. So here we go.

Configuring Gulp to be used with your Bootstrap Starter Kit

Submitted by drupalviking on Wed, 08/09/2017 - 09:27

There are so many tools out there to use, it's really easy to get distracted and not really know what to use. For a long time I just use Compass to compile my scss files into CSS, but there is so many other things you could be doing too. So when I discovered Gulp, I started to use it, and it helps a lot when I'm theming.

Configure your development environment for Theming

Submitted by drupalviking on Wed, 08/09/2017 - 09:10

One of the first things that I do when I start a new project is to configure my environment as development, to react on what I'm doing, specially when I'm theming. Disable cache, enable debug messages and more. These steps are among the ones that I always do:

Setting up my settings.local.php file

Go to the sites/ folder of your project and copy example.settings.local.php to the folder like this: cp example.settings.local.php default/settings.local.php (renaming it to settings.local.php in the process).